Category Archives: Uncategorized

Automatic backport script

Since I have to do a lot of backports for the OpenStack packages in Debian Wheezy, I got tired of doing them by hand. Therefore, I have created a script to automate the task. I’m not particularly proud (or ashamed) of that script, but I just want to share it. Probably some fellow readers will […]

WordPress auto-updates stupidity

Out of laziness, like many, I use WordPress for this blog. I did try others, but was disappointed (after my blog got hacked a few times), so I just use that. WordPress has a long history of security issues. So upstream decided to preform automatic updates. This would have been a good thing if … […]

OpenStack 2013.2.2 uploaded

This is the 2nd point release of OpenStack Havana (this is the name of the current stable release of OpenStack). It was out on Thursday (US time), and I uploaded it on Friday (Chinese time). Unfortunately, I realized that the latest python-keystoneclient didn’t support the –token and –endpoint command line options, effectively breaking Keystone itself, […]

Removal of XCP / Xen-API from Jessie and Sid

This is sad, but no choice, due to the lack of upstream support: I just hope xenserver-core will work soon in Debian, so we can fix this unfortunate situation.

OpenRC now in Experimental

I thought it would have been smooth, though it wasn’t. OpenRC shipped /sbin/rc, which conflicted with the “rc” shell (an implementation of the AT&T Plan 9 shell), and /sbin/runscript was conflicting with minicom. With the help of upstream authors, /sbin/rc was renamed /sbin/openrc, and /sbin/runscript was renamed /sbin/openrc-run. However, the main goal is reached: after […]

Symplifying sysv-rc init.d scripts

Peter Reinholdtsen posted an article on about symplifying init scripts. I don’t think that’s a good idea. I tried to do that, and then scrapped all my code, because I’ve found OpenRC that was doing what I wrote, in a much better way. We shouldn’t reivent the wheel, OpenRC is there already!

OpenRC runscript example for rsyslog

The point of switching to a new init system is to get rid of huge init scripts. Well, here’s an example OpenRC runscript, rewriting /etc/init.d/rsyslog: #!/sbin/runscript command=/usr/sbin/rsyslogd name=”enhanced syslogd” depend() { provide rsyslogd syslog need $remote_fs $time } Pretty minimalistic to me… For the record, the original sysv-rc script was 126 lines, and the above […]

OpenRC running on Debian / kFreeBSD

I have always pretended that OpenRC would be very easy to port to Debian GNU/kFreeBSD. Well, now I stop pretending: This was done within a few hours working with upstream. Now, next-up: Debian GNU/Hurd. Hoping that porters will volunteer to do the work.

OpenStack Havana 2013.2 Debian packages available

OpenStack “upstream” was released today. Thanks to the release team and a big up to TTX for his work. By the time you read this, probably all of my uploads have reached your local Debian mirror. Please try Havana using either Sid from any Debian mirror, or using the Wheezy backports available here: deb […]

Jenkins remote build trigger (eg: from git push) tokens

After upgrading my Sid virtual machine hosting my Jenkins, build after git push stopped working. This is because version 1.503 and above require an auth token for triggering the build. Since it took me some time to search the web, I’ve decided to blog about it to save time to other Jenkins users. Under each […]