Packaging Home Assistant

During Debconf, Edward Betts and myself started packaging Home Assistant for Debian. It consists of hundreds of Python packages. So far, we counted at least 675 packages. That’s a lot, though most packages are just libraries to talk with some IoT devices and some APIs. It’s fairly easy to create a new package: it takes me about 15 to 20 minutes, probably half that time to Edward. And it’s a lot of fun. So far in one month of time, we managed to package about 1 third of the list (probably 200+ Python packages already). Once we’ve done all the dependencies, we may start to have fun with the core of the application! At the current speed, hopefully we’ll be done before the end of the year. Edward and myself have swear to make at least one package a day, which I’ve been doing so far, and Edward did a way more… We also received contributions from Silton0506, Tianyu, piotr, EiPi Fun, sourabhtk37, and Count-Dracula, as per the very bottom of the TODO list in the wiki (see link below).

If you have a bit of free time, we’d love to have more contributors. Here’s were to get the needed information:

We created a team in Salsa:

Our TODO list:

Our DDPO Q/A page:

Feel free to join us on IRC: #debian-homeassistant

Discussing with a lot of people about it, I realized that A LOT of DDs are actually using Home Assistant. Wouldn’t you like it better if it was just a “apt install” away ? Any DD can simply take a package in the wiki, open an ITP, upload it’s debianized source on Salsa, and upload to the Debian archive. Most are very easy simple packages to make.