February 3, 2016 – 6:00 am
Just a quick reply to Rhonda about Moby. You can’t introduce him without telling about Go, which is the title who made him famous, very early in the age of electronic music (November 1990, according to wikipedia). Many attempted to remix this song (and Moby himself), but nothing’s as good as the original version.
December 16, 2015 – 10:13 pm
It’s been a few years that I maintain some python-django-* packages, as part of the maintenance of the OpenStack dashboard, Horizon. Currently, this consist of: python-django-appconf, python-django-babel, python-django-bootstrap-form, python-django-compressor, python-django-discover-runner, python-django-formtools, python-django-openstack-auth, python-django-overextends, python-django-pyscss. By far, Django has been one of the biggest pain point. It moves too fast, deprecating its own API from one […]
December 15, 2015 – 11:15 pm
OpenStack Mitaka beta 1 Debian packages available I didn’t find the time to announce it until today, though I have finished last Friday to package Mitaka Beta 1. It is available, as usual, on the Jenkins server Debian repository: deb http://mitaka-jessie.pkgs.mirantis.com/debian jessie-mitaka-backports main deb-src http://mitaka-jessie.pkgs.mirantis.com/debian jessie-mitaka-backports main deb http://mitaka-jessie.pkgs.mirantis.com/debian jessie-mitaka-backports-nochange main deb-src http://mitaka-jessie.pkgs.mirantis.com/debian jessie-mitaka-backports-nochange main […]
November 23, 2015 – 8:42 am
Long over due post It’s been a long time I haven’t written here. And lots of things happened in the OpenStack planet. As a full time employee with the mission to package OpenStack in Debian, it feels like it is kind of my duty to tell everyone about what’s going on. Liberty is out, uploaded […]
There’s a lot of things I’d like to blog about. The last version of OpenStack, the OpenStack Liberty design summit, Kilo in the official jessie-backports repositories, etc. Maybe the most interesting part of this blog post is the last bit at the end, about a major change in the packaging workflow for OpenStack in Debian. […]
April 28, 2015 – 12:38 pm
Erich, As a follow-up on your blog post, where you complain about the state of Hadoop. First, I couldn’t agree more with all you wrote. All of it! But why not trying to get Hadoop in Debian, rather than only complaining about the state of things? I have recently packaged and uploaded Sahara, […]
February 3, 2015 – 10:18 am
November 2014: Sunday 2nd: – Travel from Moscow to Paris Monday 3rd to Sunday 8th: – Summit in Paris Monday 10th: – Uploaded python-rudolf to Sid (needed by Fuel) – Uploaded python-invoke and python-invocations (needed to run fabric’s unit tests) – Uploaded python-requests-kerberos/0.5-2 fixing CVE-2014-8650: failure to handle mutual authentication. Asked the release team for […]
January 27, 2015 – 12:47 pm
About a year and a half after I started writing the openstack-debian-images package, I’m very happy to announce to everyone that, thanks to Steve McIntyre’s help, the official OpenStack Debian image is now generated at the same time as the official Debian CD ISO images. If you are a cloud user, if you use OpenStack […]
December 15, 2014 – 8:16 am
tl;dr: Providing support for all 3 init systems (sysv-rc, Upstart and systemd) isn’t hard, and generating the init scripts / Upstart job / systemd using a template system is a lot easier than I previously thought. As always, when writing this kind of blog post, I do expect that others will not like what I […]
November 19, 2014 – 11:57 pm
There’s many ways to interpret the last GR. The way I see it is how Joey hoped Debian was: the outcome of the poll shows that we don’t want to do technical decisions by voting. At the beginning of this GR, I was supportive of it, and though it was a good thing to enforce […]